Providing central coordination for the undergraduate advising, career services & learning support communities

Shadow & Share

Shadowing advising appointments and being shadowed by peers is a powerful way to reflect on and improve your advising practice.  Consider the following guidelines to get the most out of your shadowing experience.

Learning objectives:

  • Foster a culture of collaborative learning
  • Reflect on advisor skills and strengths
  • Identify areas of future growth
  • Foster self-direction for advisor professional development

Shadow & Share Guidelines

Shadow & Share Observation Form

There is always room for growth in my advising practice. Every time I shadow another advisor, or have another advisor shadow me, I am left with a new way of asking an important question, a different way to put a student at ease, or a clearer method of explaining complex policies or curriculum. Shadowing, and being shadowed, allows us to borrow the best of each other. Through it we can all serve our students better.

- UW-Madison Advisor