Starfish for Scheduling Appointments with Students
Starfish is UW–Madison's main tool for scheduling student appointments and allows users to set up multiple “locations” for meeting with students in-person, by phone, or virtually.
Microsoft Teams for Advising Appointments & Meetings
Learn how to use Microsoft Teams for individual video or audio advising appointments, and individual and small group team meetings with colleagues.
Using Zoom Personal Meeting Rooms with Starfish
Every Zoom user has a Personal Meeting Room that can be used to start meetings instantly without the need to schedule a meeting in O365. Follow these steps in order to use your Zoom Personal Meeting Room with Starfish to schedule advising appointments.
VOIP Phone Line
If you choose to use your personal mobile device for student calls and appointments, you can configure your device to display your VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) office phone number in order to maintain privacy.
Email Appointments
Consider offering an email appointment if the student is concerned about access to phone or WiFi, or has other accessibility needs that make email more successful as a communication tool.
Remote Drop-In Advising
Find resources from campus partners about drop-in advising processes.