What is a Community of Practice?
Communities of practice are groups of colleagues who share common challenges, opportunities, or a passion for a given topic, and who collaborate to deepen their understanding of that topic and build skills through ongoing learning and knowledge sharing.
Communities of practice are not committees where the group is expected to produce work. Membership of communities of practice are not determined by position or title, but instead by interest in particular topic areas.
The Office of Academic & Career Success supports various Communities of Practice. Please see below for more information on these communities.

Career Advising/Coaching Community of Practice
The Career Advising/Coaching Community of Practice is a group of career services colleagues who share common challenges, opportunities, and a passion for student career advising and/or coaching.
Career Courses and Curriculum Community of Practice
The Career Courses and Curriculum Community of Practice is a group of career services colleagues who share common challenges, opportunities, and a passion for developing curriculum and teaching career courses.
Career Programming Community of Practice
The Career Programming Community of Practice is a group of career services colleagues who share common challenges, opportunities, and a passion for career development programming and event planning.
Employer Relations Community of Practice
The Employer Relations Community of Practice is a group of career services colleagues who share common challenges, opportunities, and a passion for employer relations work.
International Student Career Development Community of Practice
The International Student Career Development Community of Practice is a group of career services colleagues who share common challenges, opportunities, and a passion for career development work for international students.
Solo Staff Community
Are you the only undergraduate student facing-employee in your department or unit? Join the Solo Staff Community, a group of undergraduate student facing-employees in a solo role who want to support, connect with, and learn from others in similar roles around campus.
Student Mental Health Community of Practice
The Student Mental Health Community of Practice is a community of advising, career services, and learning support staff who have attended Mental Health First Aid training and wish to continue practicing the skills of supporting student and colleague mental health.
Supervisor's Community of Practice
The Office of Academic & Career Success facilitates a monthly supervisor’s community of practice for supervisor's in the advising, career services, and learning support communities.
Learning Support Community of Practice
The Learning Support Community of Practice brings learning support professional staff together to share ideas and strategies for running learning centers, as well as identify and build campus partnerships that allow for better student support.