What is a Community of Practice?
- Communities of practice are groups of colleagues who share common challenges, opportunities, or passion for a given topic, and who collaborate to deepen their understanding of that topic and build skills through ongoing learning and knowledge sharing.
- Communities of practice are not committees where the group is expected to produce work.
- Membership in communities of practice is not determined by position or title, but instead by interest in particular topic areas.
- Communities of practice are opt-in groups. We invite you to participate in the community of practice meetings that make sense for your interest, schedule, modality preferences, and capacity.

The Office of Academic & Career Success supports the following Career Services Communities of Practice:
- Career Advising/Coaching: Discussion topics may include best practices, theories, trends, and techniques for working with students.
- Career Courses and Curriculum: Discussion topics may include developing courses, relevant content, pedagogy, and engaging students.
- Career Programming: Discussion topics may include inclusive practices for events, managing and supporting staff, tech tools for organizing and planning, and student engagement around career programming.
- Employer Relations: Discussion topics may include recruiting/employment trends, working with employers, and hosting events.
- International Student Career Development: Discussion topics may include employment regulation education, current trends and issues, best practices for supporting international students, and tailored career development programming for international students.
Join a Career Services Community of Practice
If you are interested in participating in one or more of the Career Services Communities of Practice above, please complete this form and you will be added to the listserv for the communities you’ve indicated interest in. We will also forward you calendar invitations for any currently scheduled meetings.
Please reach out to Danielle Marriner at danielle.marriner@wisc.edu with any questions and ideas for future communities of practice.