Providing central coordination for the undergraduate advising, career services & learning support communities

Supervisor Community of Practice Meeting

Memorial Union

The Office of Academic & Career Success facilitates a monthly Supervisor’s Community of Practice for advising, career services, and learning support staff members who have supervisory responsibilities. Topics vary by month and are shared closer …

Notes 101


This Notes 101 orientation session (previously ANS 101) will provide an introduction to Notes in Advising Gateway and include a live demonstration on navigation and record entry, guidelines for use of the system focusing on writing …

Campus Resources and Referrals Session 7

Memorial Union

Campus Resources & Referrals is an event series focused on holistic student support and well-being for new and new-ish advising, career services, and learning support community members. Participants will engage in community building and professional …

Supervisor Community of Practice Meeting

Memorial Union

The Office of Academic & Career Success facilitates a monthly Supervisor’s Community of Practice for advising, career services, and learning support staff members who have supervisory responsibilities. Topics vary by month and are shared closer …

Helping Skills and Practice Session 8

8417 Social Sciences 1180 Observatory Dr

Helping Skills and Practice is a workshop-style event series intended for new and new-ish advising, career services, and learning support staff members. These workshops will focus on practicing core skills and understanding a variety of …

Spring Celebration & Awards Ceremony

Union South 1308 W Dayton Street, Madison, WI, United States

Join your colleagues and the Office of Academic & Career Success for the Spring Celebration & Awards Ceremony for the Advising, Career Services & Learning Support communities! We look forward to gathering together to celebrate …

Notes 101


This Notes 101 orientation session (previously ANS 101) will provide an introduction to Notes in Advising Gateway and include a live demonstration on navigation and record entry, guidelines for use of the system focusing on writing …