Build a foundation for your advising philosophy in this hands-on workshop for newer advisors.
Explore the theory & practice of Motivational Interviewing (MI), an evidence-based communication style for helping students resolve ambivalence and for promoting positive behavior change. During this training we will unpack leading advising philosophies and techniques, model case studies, and discuss how to apply theory to our advising practice.
Offered in the spring and fall. See the Events Calendar.
"I thought the workshop was the most helpful workshop I've attended yet related to advising. I appreciated the environment created where it was okay to admit the difficulty of practicing advising techniques."
What to Expect
In this session participants will:
- Observe and discuss a demo of MI
- Practice core MI skills is dyad and small group activities
- Learn how to apply MI in advising settings such as SOAR, individual advising appointments, and drop-in advising
- Leave with resources and an action plan to integrate MI into their work with students